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Course Registration for School Year

The Walton High School Course Registration website contains important information, dates, and resources regarding the 2024-25 course registration process. Student course selections drive our hiring decisions and create our master schedule according to our students’ registration. For this reason, students cannot “try out” a course to see if they like it and then change classes. Elective choices should be carefully considered as the decision is binding.

Important Registration Dates

Download grade-specific registration calendars:

Rising 9th Grade - Class of 2028

Rising 10th Grade - Class of 2027

Rising 11th & 12 Grade - Class of 2026 & Class of 2025

Week of February 5

Teachers will do core registration (except Science)

Monday, February 12
Tuesday, February 13

Science teachers will do registration

Wed, February 28
Extended Homeroom

Students receive core recommendation letters and information about elective registration in homeroom.

Wed, February 28

Waiver and elective applications open; waivers and elective applications are accessible through the student’s CTLS homeroom and are due by Monday, April 1.

Wed, February 28
WEB Q Block
WEB Lunch Block

Elective Fair in media center

Wednesday, March 6
Thursday, March 7
All Lunches

Counselors will be available to answer student questions during all lunch periods. Students can stop by the counseling suite, and no appointment is needed.

Friday, March 8
Extended Homeroom

Current 10th & 11th grade students complete elective registration in homeroom

Friday, March 8 - Thursday, March 28
Information Center

Freshman Advisement will take place for 3 weeks in the information center. 9th graders will register for their electives during Freshman Advisement. Click here to register for Freshman Advisement.

Tuesday, March 12

Links for Mentorship, Work-Based Learning, Minimum Day, and Teacher Apprenticeship close at midnight. Links can be found in the student's CTLS Homeroom.

Monday, April 1

0 Period and waiver deadline. The waiver link will close at midnight. The waiver link can be found in the student's CTLS Homeroom.

Friday, May 10

Course requests posted in Synergy.

Course Registration: List

The following information will be helpful for having a successful registration:

Course Information

Choose your courses carefully. There are detailed course descriptions for each course in Academic Planning Guide. You can also review the Walton High School Advanced Placement Booklet which provides more detailed information regarding the requirements and demands of specific AP classes.

Please note - It is not possible for you to try out a course to determine if it is right for you. You cannot change levels or electives once the semester begins. After the 10th day of the semester, any course dropped will receive a grade of a 10 on your official transcript. Course selections are changed for the following reasons only:

- If you failed or have not had the prerequisite for the particular course

- If you are a senior and need a specific course to graduate

- If you have previously received credit for the course


Electives for the 2024-25 school year are as follows:

Rising 9th Grade - Class of 2028

Rising 10th Grade - Class of 2027

Rising 11th Grade - Class of 2026

Rising 12th Grade - Class of 2025

Course Flow Charts

Course flow charts for the 2024-25 school year are as follows:




Social Studies

World Languages

International Spanish Academy (ISA)

STEM Academy


For core classes (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Language), the current teacher will recommend the curriculum level the student should take next year. While each teacher will make a recommendation based on the specific core area, it is important to consider the overall course load. If the student and/or parent/guardian disagree with the teacher’s recommendation or are concerned about the academic challenge, the student may complete a waiver to request a different placement. Please note:

- The waiver form can be found in the student's CTLS Homeroom.

- Waivers are due by April 1 and will not be accepted after that date unless the teacher recommendation has changed. 

- Waivers are binding for one complete semester. Once the waiver has been submitted and approved, the class cannot be changed again during that semester.

- Students may only waive up or down by one level. 

Year-Long Courses

Registration for any year-long courses (classes with an A and B semester) in an academic area may not be dropped at the end of the first semester. The only exception is if the teacher of the subject recommends a change for the student.

Teacher Preference

We do not honor teacher preference requests during scheduling. All 2700+ students have preferences, and it would be impossible to honor the requests of all students.

Minimum Day

Seniors may not request Minimum Day once the semester has started. Seniors must request Minimum Day either during registration or during the drop/add time frame for second semester. All Minimum Day forms for Fall must be submitted in by April 1.

6th Period Lunch & Minimum Day

Seniors registered for Minimum Day typically leave school during the last period of the day. If a senior’s lunch period can be scheduled for 6th period, the senior may leave school two periods early with parental permission. However, seniors should not assume that they can leave school two periods early because scheduling may not permit all Minimum Day seniors this option. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT A SENIOR WILL HAVE 6th PERIOD LUNCH.

0 Period

If you want to take an extra course as a 0 period next year, please email Mrs. Cook for more information. Taking an extra class as a 0 period costs $300 per semester. 0 period classes meet in-person daily from 7:15-8:15 am Monday – Thursday.

Taking an Online Course

If you are interested in taking an online course during the summer or next school year, you must complete the "Online Course Form" found in the student's CTLS Homeroom. 

- Students are required to utilize Cobb Virtual Academy (CVA) unless a course is not offered or is full. CVA registration for summer and fall terms open later this semester.

- Georgia Virtual School (GAVS) registration for summer term opens Friday, March 1st at 12:00 pm. Registration for fall term opens Friday, March 15 at 12:00 pm.

Course Registration: List
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