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Volunteer Service
Recognition Program

The Walton Volunteer Service Recognition Program honors seniors who have completed 180 hours of approved volunteer/community service hours with a special cord to wear at graduation.

  • How do I enroll my student?
    To enroll your student, you will need to schedule a registration appointment with the counselor that will be assigned to your student. Counselors at Walton work with students based on an alphabet break down. Click here for the list of counselors. You must have all of the required documentation in your possession prior to scheduling an appointment. Click here to access the Cobb County School District Online Registration System.
  • How do I withdraw my student?
    Students intending to withdraw from school must first return all library books to the library and all textbooks to the Book Room, and receive a textbook clearance slip. You will then proceed to the attendance office to complete the withdrawal process; you must have your textbook clearance slip with you at this time. Only the enrolling adult or custodial parent may withdraw a student from school. Email with questions.
  • What is CTLS?
    The Cobb Teaching and Learning System is a digital learning environment that students, parents, and teachers will utilize during distance learning. Click here to learn more about CTLS.
  • What is Naviance?
    Click here to learn more about Naviance.
  • How do I request a transcript?
    Click here to learn how to request an official transcript.
  • How do I request a teacher recommendation?
    Click here to learn how to request a teacher recommendation through Naviance. Click here to download a copy of the Recommendation Packet.
  • How do I sign up for college visits?
    Click here to learn how to sign up for college visits in Naviance.
  • How do I get a work permit?
    Visit the Online Work Permit System. The revised system will now be available to work permit applicants, employers, and issuing officers. Effective July 1, 2015, with the exception of minors in entertainment, work permits are NO longer required for youth age 16 and older (House bill 366). Click here for detailed instructions.
  • Do I need community service hours to graduate?
    No. However if students wish to earn a service honor cord worn at graduation, they must earn 180 hours of approved volunteer service. Click here for more information about the Walton Volunteer Service Recognition Program.
  • I graduated between 1981 - 2014 but did not pass the Georgia High School Graduation Test. What are my options?
    If you are a former Walton student who did not receive your high school diploma between the years of 1981-2014, for the sole reason of not passing any part of the high school graduation test, please click here to petition to the county for your diploma. All questions should be directed to Mrs. Risa Fischer: 770-426-3316
  • How many service hours are needed to earn the volunteer service cord recognition at graduation?
    Students must have 180 verified and approved service hours. This is not a requirement for graduation.
  • Are volunteer service hours required for graduation?
    No. All students are encouraged to track their community service hours, although community service is not a graduation requirement.
  • How do I create a MobileService account?
    Students (not parents) must create an account on MobileServe. Click here for directions.
  • How do I track my service hours?
    Click here for directions if using a mobile device. Click here if using a computer, click "log in" and "Start Serving" browser.
  • Can I enter all my hours for an organization as a single entry?
    There is a maximum of 24 hours per entry if using the mobile app. There is no limitation on the number of hours per entry if using a computer. Note: Entries exceeding 16 hours need a date range for approval.
  • How do supervisors verify my hours?
    Supervisors will: Receive an email from MobileServe. If the email is not in their inbox, it should be in their SPAM or JUNK folders. Open the email. Locate the review button. Click on the review button to approve or reject the hours on the subsequent screen.
  • How do I check the status of my hours?
    Verification and Approval: Verification: By your supervisor Approval: By an administrator To view the approval status: Go to the Activity Page Check the Status Indicators Green checkmark: Approved Red X: Rejected No icon: No action taken To view the verification status: Click on a specific log entry in the Activity Page Check the verification icons: Black Envelope Icon: Verified Red Envelope: Rejected Orange Envelope: Not delivered (verify supervisor's email) No Icon: Pending
  • How do I reset my password?
    Forgot Your Password: From the login page, select "Forgot your password?" Enter the email address used to create your account to receive reset instructions. If you do not receive an email, contact MobileServe via chat or email for manual reset assistance. Change Your Password: Log in and go to Settings Select "Change Password"
  • What do I do if my hours are not getting approved in MobileServe?
    Verify the supervisor's email is correct. Ensure the supervisor's email has not directed MobileServe messages to SPAM or JUNK folders by sending a follow-up email. Make the supervisor aware that they should search folders for an email from MobileServe (not from the student). If students cannot get the hours verified after a second request to their supervisors, email Dr. Rebecca England for help. Note: It's your responsibility to follow up and ensure your hours are verified.
  • When are the deadlines to submit service hours for approval?
    Students must submit their hours annually. Freshmen may begin counting their hours from August 1, 2024. Upperclassmen may include any summer 2024 hours in their submission this year. Service hours must be submitted annually by May 15 for underclassmen and April 15 for seniors.
  • How can I edit hours I've already entered?
    Editing Hours: Go to your Activity log and click the pencil icon next to the log you wish to edit Update the information and click "Update Log" Editing Limitations: Editing the description does not resend the verification email Changes to duration, date, or supervisor email address will trigger a resend. Suggestion: Change the date to resend the verification email.
  • What if I forgot to link my account to Walton using "My Class Code"?
    Codes: Class 2025 - AA2682 Class 2026 - 058084 Class 2027 - B3CA2B Class 2028 - 8E8E22 Navigate to Settings Click on the "Organizations" tab Enter Walton and your class class code Input your student ID Note: Hours logged before linking to Walton will not transfer. Re-enter those hours and have them re-verified.
  • Why aren't all the hours I entered showing?
    Review the date below the total on the home screen, which shows the start of the school service year. Click on the date to toggle between total hours for the current year and all-time. You can also view logs by going to the Activity tab.
  • Who do I contact with technical questions about my MobileServe account?
    Email MobileServe or use their chat messenger by logging into your account.
  • Who do I contact with questions about Walton's Volunteer Service Recognition Program?
    Email Dr. Rebecca England
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